Career Prospects

Give you career a kick start by graduation with a Master's in Accounting.

Broad career prospects

As a graduate of Accounting, you will have broad career prospects. Below are some typical jobs in which you can work with the high level professional expertise in accounting that the programme gives you. The programme also provides prerequisite knowledge to pursue post-graduate doctoral studies.

Management accounting... 

prepares you for general management positions, often in multinational companies or consultancies, as you are equipped with the tools for solving strategic and operational problems – ranging from marketing and customer service to logistics, production and outsourcing. You might for example work within corporate development, at management consultancies, as a loan officer or at business controlling.

Financial accounting and auditing... 

emphasis prepares you for a path that often leads to top level auditing assignments and other jobs in the top international auditing firms, consulting agencies and financial services companies. You might, for example, work as an advisor in industrial restructuring situations, or as an analyst of the financial position of potential investment targets in an equity portfolio in the financial industry.

Page content by: | Last updated: 07.03.2017.